MayDayRooms presents

Film Screening: Ultraviolence (2020)

2025-03-06 19:00 - 21:00 @ MayDay Rooms


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Event Details

Film Screening: Ultraviolence (2020)

Ultraviolence *(75 minutes/UK/Migrant Media/2020) *

The struggles for justice by the families of people that have died in police custody.

The silence over the police killings of Black people is broken. Over two thousand people died at the hands of police in the UK. Inevitably police officers involved are not convicted for these deaths. In Ultraviolence, the families of the victims demand justice asking why society ignores human rights abuses by state agents. This reflection on resistance is poignant and political, capturing the unrelenting fightback of those who will not be silent about state violence.

Instagram: migrantmedia

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