MayDayRooms presents

Participatory Action Research on Social Housing Struggles: Co-producing the People's Plans with Pablo Sendra

2024-06-08 18:00 - 20:00 @ MayDay Rooms


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Event Details

Participatory Action Research on Social Housing Struggles: Co-producing the People's Plans  with Pablo Sendra

This session, we will be asking: how can we be anti-capitalist through activist-research? After conducting research on social housing for over a decade, Pablo Sendra decided to put his research into action, using his work as a platform to support communities living in council estates that are facing the demolition of their homes. This support consisted of working with residents to co-produce alternative plans.

Between 2019 and 2020, he worked with residents of William Dunbar and William Saville Houses, two tower blocks in North-West London facing demolition and redevelopment. Through five co-design workshops, walks with residents, a door-to-door survey, numerous conversations with residents, and participation in many events, they co-produced the "Community Plan," which proposes to retrofit the existing homes and add new ones through infill. The "Community Plan" delivers much more social housing than the council's plan and includes many more community facilities.

Between 2020 and 2021, he worked with residents from Alton Estate in South-West London, who are also facing the demolition of part of their estate. Through nine online workshops (during lockdown), a survey, and other face-to-face activities such as exhibitions and public presentations, they co-produced the "People's Plan" with residents.

Residents used these plans, backed by evidence and research, to discuss with local authorities their vision for their neighbourhood and to push for an alternative that does not destroy their homes.