MayDayRooms presents

Exarcheia Anti-Gentrification Timeline Launch

2024-04-22 19:00 - 21:00 @ MayDay Rooms


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Event Details

Exarcheia Anti-Gentrification Timeline Launch

Join us for the launch of the Exarcheia Anti-Gentrification Timeline - a project aimed at mapping anti-gentrification struggles that have happened in Exarcheia over the last three years. Recently, gentrification has significantly altered the historic Athenian district of Exarcheia, known for its anti-authoritarian and anti-fascist culture. Athens has endured international real estate developers from buying up locations throughout the city while an alt-right neoliberal government had taken over. This wave of gentrification has impacted Exarcheia dramatically and has featured an occupation of the district by police who harass and intimidate residents. Many locals have voiced opposition to development plans that are pricing them out while Airbnbs and foreign investors see profits from increasingly expensive housing. In turn, activist groups and grassroots campaigns from a wide spectrum joined forces against displacement, privatization, loss of public spaces and militarized control of the city.

The discussion will be facilitated by comrades from Athens - authors of the timeline and members of Unicorn Riot.